Key Features

FireWeb is a web-based incident information and communications management tool which has been developed for and in conjunction with fire and emergency agencies and is successfully deployed in all spheres of government as well as in the private sector.

Our solution has been successfully adopted in various sectors such as conservation, structural fire, veld, wild-land and bush fire, commercial forestry, security and protection services, law enforcement, traffic and coast guard operations throughout South Africa, the United States of America, Canada, Brazil and Australia. FireWeb assists organisations by providing easy-to-use tools, provide the following key benefits to our users:

  1. Improved efficiency in initial attack
  2. Integrated and shared digital communications and radio logs
  3. Single point of entry for reporting and analysis purposes
  4. Integrated dispatch response cards and checklists
  5. Resource management and tracking
  6. Estimated incident cost analysis
  7. Shared information with partner agencies
  8. Communication tools and incident notifications
  9. Data collection in-field with offline support
  10. Integrated detection systems
Incidents & Events

FireWeb allows for the capturing of incidents and events, both emergency and non-emergency in nature. The information may be captured either online in the control room or in-field making use of our mobile reporting application which supports offline mode capture and is available both on Google Play and the Apple AppStore. FireWeb also allows for the initiation of incidents directly from integrated early warning systems such as wildfire detection camera systems and assists in bridging the gap between early warning detection and rapid response and enables full incident analysis from inception through to administrative close-out.

FireWeb currently has over 90 out of the box incident types available with more than 2500 categories and sub-categories which can utilised as is or can be customised to the specific reporting needs of your organisation. All incident reports allow for the tracking of communication logs which are date and time tracked and presented in chronological order as well as tracks the resources dispatched and the associated personnel based on the operational roster setup for the day.

All incidents types allow for the uploading of supporting documentation and images which are securely stored in our integrated document management system as well as allows for the joining of incidents and events into a single disaster report for situational awareness and reporting purposes. Incidents are processed through customisable workflows to ensure the correct sign-offs are verifications are received from the correct delegated authority within your organisation.

FireWeb is fully integrated with the Integrated Reporting of Wildfire Information (IRWIN) application within the United States of America, allowing all incident and resource information collected to be shared with this central data hub that orchestrates data between the various applications such as IROC (Interagency Resource Ordering Capability), FireCode, IQS (Incident Qualification System), IQCS (Incident Qualifications and Certification System) as well as ICS209 amongst other federal systems present.

Resource Management

FireWeb includes a resource management module where organisations may load all their units (ground, aerial and aquatic) which respond to incidents and events, grouped by class and type. All incidents a resource has attended to are automatically allocated to the resource log book including details about the distance and time the unit has been utilised per response.

The resource management module includes a basic maintenance log as well as allows organisations to track service requirements from a mileage or date perspective and is integrated with the rostering module to provide simple single click computer aided dispatch capabilities to the control room.

FireWeb includes a mobile reporting application focused on collecting resource information which allows drivers and crew to populate their mileage and worked time in-field and in offline mode which is automatically included in the incident report chronology and estimated cost sheets. FireWeb is capable of integrating with numerous vehicle tracking solutions for near real-time positioning.

Analytics & Reporting

FireWeb includes numerous standard reports such as resource utilisation, personnel and team worked hour reports through to call take summary and response time reports. All of the reporting available within FireWeb includes advanced filtering tools to assist organisations in finding the required information as quickly as possible.

In addition to this, FireWeb includes a custom report building tool which allows organisations to develop their own reports based on the specific routine parameters they require and allows for easy mapping, graphing and charting of the information returned. Our searching tools allow for users to export the information in a variety of formats for utilisation in other tools as well as can be easily integrated into a variety of popular Business Intelligence tools for further processing and integration with organisational datasets.

Places & Groups

Places and groups within FireWeb are utilised for the logical grouping of personnel, resources and incidents. Places are geographical in nature are used to store information such as fire brigades, police stations, hospitals or dispatch centres where as groups are used to combine like personnel across organisations for notification and rostering purposes.

Places are setup in a hierarchical structure allowing organisations to manage access to key information such as details of incidents, affected individuals and other sensitive datasets between departments whilst ensuring they are able to fulfil their reporting mandates. Each place within the system may setup specific automated notification requirements based on incident type and severity, ensuring the correct people are notified when an incident occurs.

Planning & Rostering

FireWeb includes numerous planning tools which assist organisations in embedding their Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) into the system. These tools range from dispatch run-cards through to checklists and reminders based on incident type, geography and severity through to rich mapping capabilities providing additional spatial context when positioning the incident.

FireWeb includes an operational rostering tool which is completed on a daily basis to schedule personnel to specific shifts, resources and roles and is automatically included in the dispatch viewer when loading a new incident report for single click dispatching purposes.

Our rostering tool integrates with our certifications and qualifications system which ensures that the correct personnel are allocated to the correct resources. All rostering information captured along with the dispatch data is pulled into resource utilisation reports as well as a personnel worked hours reports.

Document Management

FireWeb includes an integrated document management system which stores all supporting documentation uploaded through the various modules available within  the system. The folder structure is dynamically created as information is uploaded and is accessible via the document interface or via the source document such as the project, situational report or incident and allows for collection of documentation online or via the mobile application for in-field information collection.

Each document uploaded may be allocated a type and allows for users to add comments and tag other users for input and may be previewed within the system before downloading. All document downloads and views are logged within the system audit trail as well.


FireWeb includes a project management module which allows organisations to group operational activities such as incidents and events together and report on them to key project stakeholders. Each project includes role based assignments to key personnel, project updates as well as the ability to define project objectives and milestones. Users are able to define the intended outcomes of each objective, set actionable tasks with due dates as well as allocate an anticipated budget.

Contacts and Users

FireWeb includes a contacts and user management system. Users are individuals which have access to interact with the information captured on the FireWeb system whilst contacts are loaded for communication, rostering and notification purposes. Contacts and users are allocated primary and secondary places which are used to define the information they have access to as well as are linked to groups allowing for the bulk distribution of messages via email, push notification and text message. The individuals contact cards allow for the collection of critical personnel information such as availably, critical contacts such as next of kin as well as general notes for storage of critical information such as medical conditions.

FireWeb includes a granular roles and permissions system which ensure that users only have access to the information and system functionality that they should based on their designation within the organisation.

FireWeb has a certification and qualification management system which allows organisations to track what certifications and qualifications are required in order to fulfill certain roles within the organisation or to utilise specific resources in an incident environment. This allow the allocation of certifications and qualifications to personnel along with issue and expiry date with automated notifications for reminders.